How long do combo brows last?

Combo brows, a semi-permanent makeup technique that combines microblading and shading, have gained popularity in recent years. This article will explore how long combo brows typically last and factors that can affect their longevity.

Combo Brows: A Brief Overview

Combo brows involve the use of a handheld microblading tool to create hair-like strokes in the eyebrows, followed by shading to add depth and definition. This technique offers a natural-looking result for individuals looking to enhance their eyebrows.

Duration of Combo Brows

The duration of combo brows can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Individual’s skin type
  • Aftercare routine
  • Sun exposure
  • Skin care products used

On average, combo brows can last between one to two years.

How long do combo brows last?

Skin Type

Combo brows tend to last longer on drier skin types compared to oily skin types. This is because oilier skin types tend to break down the pigment faster.

Aftercare Routine

Proper aftercare plays a crucial role in determining the longevity of combo brows. Following the technician’s instructions, such as keeping the brows dry and avoiding excessive sweating or touching the area, can help prolong their lifespan.

Sun Exposure

Exposure to UV rays can cause the pigment in the combo brows to fade faster. It is essential to apply sunscreen and wear hats or sunglasses when exposed to the sun for an extended period.

Skin Care Products Used

Some skincare products, such as those containing retinol or exfoliating acids, can accelerate the fading process of combo brows. It is advisable to avoid applying these products directly on the eyebrows to maintain their longevity.

Touch-Up Sessions

To maintain the desired appearance, touch-up sessions are recommended. These sessions typically occur every 12-18 months, depending on how effectively the original procedure has held up.

Combo brows can last between one to two years, depending on various factors. Understanding the importance of aftercare, sun protection, and skin type can help individuals make informed decisions and ensure long-lasting results. Regular touch-up sessions also contribute to maintaining the desired appearance of combo brows.

Combination brows | My experience and healing process

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